
Monday, March 15, 2010

This is hilarious and gut wrenching

So here is the current situation I'm in. As I wait for my letter/email from Disney saying Congrats you're in. I find myself thinking about when I'm going to bring getting all wrapped up in planning and then getting slapped in the face by the thought of "HEY YOU'RE NOT IN YET YA BIG DUMMY!!!". All I say is damn this sucks...

Also side not I was listening to my ipod today and heard 3 songs with reference to Disney...

Watch My Feet by Lil Wayne "Mickey Mouse cheese hip hop Walt Disney"

Ambitions of Musicians by Charles Hamilton "This is written but off the top I'm the Mad Hatter"

and then Toy Story by Charles Hamilton...too many lines to name it mentions Woody and Buzz a lot though.


  1. DUDE! That's exactly what keeps happening to me. I've even caught myself planning out a budget. It's horrible!

  2. yeah...I have my packing list in my notebook for school....and I keep checking it to see what I need...during class lol
